Friday, August 27, 2010

Gunwitch vs. Style/Mystery Method and beliefs

Many people in the pickup community argue that one method is better than the other, so I will just briefly illustrate my experience with Gunwitch and StyleLife/MM. Gunwitch is primarily a direct method that focuses on natural game. It is best used in day game and on "lone wolfs". Style and Mystey Method (MM) is commonly routine based and is said to be good for club game with groups (sets).

There is an old saying that too much studying of pickup material leads to "paralysis by analysis". What does this rhyme mean? It means that you are studying too much theory and need to practice your skills in real life. Oftentimes, you fail to approach because you spend too much time trying to come up with the perfect opening line. This is often talked about as AA (approach anxiety). Only way I know around this is to be an approaching machine. The more you get used to opening and talking to various peoples, you will discover that many are open to making new friends.


After being around many different types of women and people in general, I have learned to be very open-minded. I consider myself to be a Taoist Christian, which means I believe in the Tao (which means "the way"), an ancient asian religious philosophy, and also the Bible and Christian values. This does not mean I'm a fanatic by any means. I love to learn about other cultures and religions. What does this have to do with pickup? If you want to start a relationship with a girl, it helps to have common interests. This helps you bond a bit more. More on this later...

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