I work retail. It can be very monotonous. I am also a PUA. How do these two mix? I talk to hot girls all day. That is how. It helps with my social skills to have cute female co-workers and customers come into the store all the time. What is stopping you from meeting hot girls at your local stores? AA (Approach Anxiety) quite possibly. This is actually a good place to rid yourself of AA. Where? Target, Best Buy, Walmart, Barnes and Noble (or other select bookstores), Fry's, anywhere and everywhere the girls are. Especially if you like books, electronics, or just need some shaving cream and toothpaste, there is a store for you to browse. The mall is also a good place to meet girls. Talk to the hot female sales associates. You will be glad you did.
Feeling a bit frisky? Try going into a chic/lingerie store where the patrons (customers) are primarily female. Tell them that you are shopping for your "girlfriend", which isn't really lying if you really are looking for a girlfriend. I go to Bath and Body Works sometimes just to see what fragrances they have. Shop for cologne and ask a cute female there to help you pick out an affordable scent. The secret is to always be talking to females.
Hope this helps. Best of luck on your hunt.