Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Adventures in Sarging

Online, day game, night/club/bar game. It's all fun and games til someone loses a testicle, right? I've spent so many hours sarging and learning techniques and skills that it comes second nature now. Why? That hole in my soul can only be filled with another beautiful woman. It's an obsession. I am a love addict that loves sex.

I'm a male though. I have all the required male parts. It's literally HARD being HSD (high sex drive) though. My work exposes me to hot girls in a retail setting, but it is difficult to flirt/sarge while on the clock.

A day or two ago, this hot blond girl started squeezing her huge breasts together with no hands and I'm trying to wait on customers while observing her talent. Is it wrong of me to get turned on by that? No. I am a man and I make no apologies for getting a chubby over an attractive female. Stuff like this happens to me all the time...

More on this late.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Why are you a PUA?

Hmm... I have been studying female psychology for years now. I was a very frustrated teenage and did not have sex til I was 20. This did not stop me from being obsessed with boobs though. Some of my friends said that was all I would talk about.

Why not?

My first experience with the "community" was when a friend sold me a copy of "Double Your Dating" by David DeAngelo.

"I wish he'd take me into the bathroom and just F#@K me..." These are words that haunted me throughout high school. I wanted a girl to utter those about me.